Over the past couple of months, a number of recent articles and podcasts have caught my attention and challenged my point of view for the better. Here are my top selections about culture, innovation, and the future of hybrid workplaces.
At Mandel, we teach individuals and teams how to leverage critical thinking and speaking skills to present ideas with clarity and confidence, captivate listeners and influence better decision-making. But how do you measure the impact of those skills?
Clients often report that Mandel learners are more effective at accelerating key business decisions and moving projects forward. For example, one client reported that a 26-year-old employee who had taken part in our training stood in front of a room of executives, asked for a $20 million dollar project approval, and got it.
In this independent study, the consultants at Metrics that Matter™ surveyed learners from around the world representing 55 companies—including 8 of the Fortune 100—to understand the long-term quantifiable benefits and business impact of Mandel’s solutions. The top 5 learner roles among respondents were: sales, IT professionals, management, engineering, and consulting.
Tell us what you need and let us identify and design the right mix for your organization. We create tailored modules for learners in every environment and will customize our training based on audience, role, location, and availability.
Schedule a full day or multi-day in-person solution. Combine instructor-led training with digital delivery. Do it all online.